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Flight planning

Andalucia is a region very rich in history and diversity.


From castles to lakes, Roman ruins, Arab presence and many other incredible features, it is the perfect spot to fly around for 4 hours and get to know the region

al andalus 2021 route V1.PNG

Our plan is to depart from Jerez de la Frontera (LEJR) and fly a sequence of places and locations that will take your breath away


We expect to fly close to 400 NM, and depending on the weather conditions and wind, it will be roughly 4 hours airborne as required by the competition regulations. 

The Aircraft

For this epic flight, we are planning to use an "old friend", the C172. Thousands were built and countless pilots have trained in these friendly machines.


They also have enough range to perform the 4 hour flight and carry the sufficient reserves in case of diversion to another aerodrome.

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